Atlanta oligogyra Tesch, 1906
This species has a similar shell morphology to Atlanta lesueurii. The main identifying feature is the globular shape of the spire, which is caused by shallow whorl sutures.

The spire is very small, with only 2½ whorls and has no ornmentation.
The sutures of the spire are shallow, so that the spire is globose. The sutures are often a pink-purple colour.
The adult shell can be light pink to yellow and up to 3 mm. Only a single adult whorl is formed, giving the adult shell an elongate shape.
The keel is of moderate height and inserts a short way between the final and penultimate whorls.
Eye type b, operculum type b, radula type I.
Similar species:
Further Reading:
Richter, G., 1986. Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Atlanta (II). Atlanta lesueuri Souleyet und Atlanta oligogyra Tesch (Prosobranchia: Heteropoda). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 117, 19–31.
Seapy, R.R. 2011. Atlantidae. In: Tree of life web project. Available at accessed 1 April 2017.
Seapy, R.R., Lalli, C.M., Wells, F., 2003. Heteropoda from Western Australian waters., in: The Marine Flora and Fauna of Dampier, Western Australia. Western Australian Museum, Perth, pp. 513–546.
Wall-Palmer, D., Burridge, A.K., Goetze, E., Stokvis, F., Janssen, A.W., Mekkes, L., Moreno-Alcántara, M., Bednaršek, N., Schiøtte, T., Vinther Sørensen, M., Smart, C.W., Peijnenburg, K.T.C.A. Biogeography and genetic diversity of the atlantid heteropods. Progress in Oceanography, 160:1–25. doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2017.11.004
Wall-Palmer, D., Metcalfe, B., Leng, M.J., Sloane, H.J., Ganssen, G., Vinayachandran, P.N., Smart, C.W. Vertical distribution and diurnal migration of atlantid heteropods. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 587: 1–15. doi: 10.3354/meps12464.
Wall-Palmer, D., Smart, C.W., Kirby, R., Hart, M.B., Peijnenburg, K.T.C.A., Janssen, A. 2016. A review of the ecology, palaeontology and distribution of atlantid heteropods (Caenogastropoda: Pterotracheoidea: Atlantidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 1-14.